How to show posts in specific page on Blogger

You have plenty of blog posts on different topics. And when you have plenty of blog posts you surely would want to categorize posts. In other words, showing posts only on a specific page.

Unfortunately, blog pages are static. So, they won't contain post like your Home page does.

So, how do we show specific posts in specific pages only in blogger?

 Here are the steps.

1.  Firstly go to layout section of your blog.
labeling blogger templates
2. Click on click on Add a gadget
blogger adding widget
3. Then select a Page gadget from the newly appeared window.
making a nav bar in blogspot

This page Gadget works like navigation bar if placed correctly.
4.Click on edit button of you page gadget.Then click on +Add External link. A page will appear.

creating nav item blogger

5. Provide Title to your page and add a label link and hit save.
navigation item name blogspot

6. A label link is actually your labels link. e.g. yourblog.blogspot .com/search/label/label_name
Which you can easily find just under your posts if you have given label to posts. Just copy the link and paste in Web Address of step number 5.

That's it!

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